Injury Report Form

SCMBA goes to great lengths to ensure that your baseball experience is as safe as possible. Unfortunately, the reality is that injuries will occur from time to time.

All injuries must be reported to SCMBA immediately!


  • Please complete the Injury Report Form below immediately following the injury.
  • The report will be forwarded to our Safe Sport Director, who will use the information provided to submit Baseball Ontario's Official Injury Report Form.
  • Baseball Ontario requires that all injuries are reported to them within 30 days of the injury occurring in order to be covered by their insurance program.
  • We would like you to submit this injury report form regardless of the severity of the injury. Just because there doesn't seem to be any signs or symptoms at the moment, doesn't necessarily mean that an injury didn't occur.
  • Please submit any questions to


Better to submit the report, and not need it, then to not submit it and need it!



Should you need to submit a claim to Baseball Ontario, please use the following resources:

Sport Accident Insurance Claim Form

Insurance Program Overview



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