Umpires - General Information

Great Part-Time Summer Job!

For those who aren't drafted into the MLB, there is still another way to get paid to be at the ball park!.....

Umpiring is a great opportunity for players in our older divisions to continue to learn more about the rules of baseball, as well as to make a little bit of money over the summer.

Players are able to start umpiring during the year they turn 13.

Of course, umpiring is not restricted to our players. If you're no longer playing, but want to keep umpiring, SCMBA encourages you to become an umpire with SCMBA.

We encourage our experienced umpires to help mentor and guide our younger, inexperienced umpires.


Current Umpiring Rates (2021):

  • Level 1 Umpire: $35/game
  • Level 2 Umpire: $40/game

NOTE: Umpires are paid monthly.




Step 1: Register with SCMBA


  1. Login (or create an account if you are new to our Association.
  2. Choose the "Officials" registration option from the dashboard.

Step 2: Register with Baseball Ontario:

Click HERE to register for this year's OBA clinic.

  1. You'll end up creating an account with Baseball Ontario's OnDeck tool (which also has a free mobile app).
  2. In your profile you'll indicate which year umpire you are.
  3. The online module that you'll need to do should be accessible via the OnDeck website/app.
  4. At the end of the online module, you will select an in-person OBA clinic:
    • St.Catharines Minor Baseball Assoc.'s clinic will be held on Saturday April.22 at Sir Winston Churchill S.S.

Please direct any questions or difficulties to



Expectations for our Umpires: 

As with any job, there are expectations and responsibilities...

  • We want to help encourage new umpires to get involved, and to that end, SCMBA will cover the cost of the Level 1 umpire clinics
    (NEW! --> clinic fee will be reimbursed after completing 3 umpiring assignments).
    • As Level 2 training will provide a pay raise, we feel it is important that the umpires are responsible for this clinic cost. This will apply to any training after Level 1.
  • Uniforms: The umpire uniform consists of the following: Black Umpire Golf Shirt, Grey Pants, Black Belt, Kit bag (including plate brush, and pitch-counter), and black shoes.
    • SCMBA will help provide access to most uniform components, but the umpires will be responsible for purchasing the required items. 
    • The Grey Pants will be the responsibility of the umpire themselves.
  • Umpires are expected to be at the field prior to game time, and to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times.
    • This includes not fraternizing with either team, even if you know some of the people playing or coaching on either team.
  • Umpires will be expected to follow the Baseball Ontario -- Umpires Code of Conduct (link below).
  • SCMBA strives to create an enjoyable experience for all involved. However, if there are ay incidents at the field, we have created an Umpire Incident Report Form (in Umpires Menu) that we ask the umpires fill out following the game in question.
    • This will allow our Umpire-in-Chief to follow up with you, and any other individuals, and to help bring a resolution to any issues. We are here to support you!
  • Any questions you may have (eg. understanding of rules/situations, perhaps a call you made that you weren't 100% sure of, etc.) should be directed to We want you to feel free to reach out at any time. There are no silly questions!
  • If provided umpire equipment from SCMBA for the season, umpires are responsible for the care, and return of all such equipment at the end of the season.
  • *** NEW FOR 2023 *** --> Umpire Equipment will no longer be stored in the bins at the parks. Any umpire who does not have their own equipment will be required to RENT a set of equipment from SCMBA for the duration of the season. A security deposit of $250 (made in instalments of $50, which are spread out through the baseball season) will be reimbursed to the umpire upon the return of their equipment at the end of the season.


Baseball Ontario -- Umpire Code of Conduct (PDF)


COVID-19 Umpiring Protocols (Baseball Ontario) (PDF) 

  • Umpires are encouraged to keep a small hand sanitizer in their kit bag.
  • Umpires should also have their own water bottle.


St.Catharines Minor Baseball Association has strived to create a supportive and nurturing environment to both help our young umpires get started, but to also learn the responsibilities that come along with having a job, and the incentives to furthering their training to attain higher pay rates. 


If you have any questions, or would like more information, please reach out to our Umpire-in-Chief at at any time!



Baseball Canada Umpires on Social Media:

Baseball Ontario Umpires on Social Media:


Nominate one of our umpires for Baseball Canada's Umpire of the Week Recognition!

Baseball Canada - Umpire of the Week (Nomination Form)

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