Volunteering Screening
As per Baseball Ontario:
All volunteers and employees (18 years old, and older) of an Organization are required to comply with this Baseball Ontario's Screening Policy:
Baseball Ontario Screening Policy (PDF)
Baseball Ontario -- Levels of Screening
- Level 1 - Low Risk
- Non-regular volunteers
- Adult Umpires (18+)
- Level 2 - Medium Risk
- Coaches of non-travelling teams (Rally Cap)
- Board Directors
- Level 3 - High Risk
- Coaches of travelling teams (Interlock, Select, Rep)
- Trainers or first aiders
- Head Umpire
Schedule of Required Screening Documents
Police Checks are required every 3 years as per OBA Screening Policy (above)
PCRJMC = Police Criminal Records and Judicial Matters Check $ FREE
E-PIC = Enhanced Police Information Check
(available via Online Services for a fee)
PVSC* = Police Vulnerable Sector Check $25.00 + $9.95 processing fee.
* Fingerprints --> may be requested
$25.00 fingerprint fee should be waived by Volunteer Letter
PVSC Checks are only required once. Future checks can be PCRJMC checks
Step-by-Step Instructions
Level 1
- Complete and submit Screening Disclosure Form / Screening Renewal Form
- Email to our Safesport Director.
Level 2 & 3 (Year 1 / Year 4)
- Complete and Save the Request for Police Record Check Form. [link]
- Submit the appropriate ONLINE APPLICATION with NRP.
- Save your Payment Receipt, and email it to our Safesport Director.
- If fingerprints are requested, follow up with NRP.
- Upon receipt of your Police Check, email it to our Safesport Director ASAP
- Our Safesport Director will ensure our Records are updated.
- Our Safesport Director will coordinate with our Bookkeeper to ensure you are reimbursed.
Level 2 & 3 (Year 2 / Year 3)
- Complete and submit Screening Renewal Form.
- Email to our Safesport Director.
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Can I use a police check from another organization?
- Must be completed in last 6 months.
- Which police check should I get if I have multiple roles in the Association?
- Will require the police check that meets the role with the highest applicable risk level.
- Who is going to see my police check?
- The Safesport Director will be the main person verifying/recording the police check.
- If further discussion is required, the Safesport Director will review the police check with the President, as well as one other person (who could be a board member, consulting lawyer, etc.)
- Why do I need to forward my receipt right away?
- By forwarding your receipt right away, you confirm the date that the application was submitted, and will act as proof that you police check is being processed.
- When will I get reimbursed?
- Once we have received your completed police check, we will issue you a reimbursement cheque or e-transfer.
- How soon do I need to apply for the police check / submit my forms?
- Coaches should apply for the appropriate police check as soon as they register to coach.
- Please direct any questions to our Safesport Director.
- How fast do I need to get the check back to SCMBA
- Completed police checks should be returned to SCMBA within 6 weeks unless there is a confirmed delay by Niagara Regional Police.
- Only police checks completed for SCMBA will be eligible for reimbursement.
- Why do I need fingerprints?
- Occasionally your police check application will be close to someone in their database, and as a way to confirm that you are not that person, you will be required to submit fingerprints. This will be performed at the Niagara Falls police station, and will be done by appointment. You should be directed by NRP should they require the fingerprints.
- The Request for Police Record Check form that you submit with your online application should be enough to waive the $25.00 fingerprint processing fee that might normally be charged.
- What happens if I get charged after submitting my police check?
- After completing the screening requirements, any individual that is charged with, convicted, or found guilty of an offence, or had a change in circumstance that would alter their original responses on the Screening Disclosure Form, must report this to the Organization immediately.
- This may result in the individual being removed from their position.
- What happens if I falsify information on my police check or forms?
- If Baseball Ontario or the Member Association learns that an individual has provided false, inaccurate, or misleading information, the individual will be immediately removed from their position and may be subject to further discipline in accordance with Baseball Ontario's Discipline Policy.
- Who decides on what will exclude a volunteer from eligibility?
- A Police Check does not provide a decision about engaging an applicant. They provide an organization with additional information on which to base their decision.
- Offences on the record may or may not have direct bearing on the position in question or may be unrelated; they may be viewed as major or minor; they may be recent or in the distant past. The number and frequency of the offences may indicate a possible pattern of behaviour or they may be viewed as isolated incidents.
- These are all judgment calls that the organization must make. It is not the responsibility of police to determine the bona fide requirements of a position or positions within an organization. Those are best determined by someone familiar with all elements and potential risks of a position. Local Associations need to establish policies and procedures to make these decisions in a consistent and transparent way.
(First time? You will need to create an account first)
Need to Contact Niagara Regional Police?
Please reach out to set up an appointment.
Telephone: 905- 688-4111, extension 4400.
Email: niagara@policesolutions.ca
Mail: 5700 Valley Way, Niagara Falls Ont. L2E 1X8
Office Hours: Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.