Book The Batting Cage
Using the cage is a privilege, not a right.
Users of the batting cage must follow all of the batting cage rules.
Access to the batting cage can & will be removed if the rules are not followed.
- If it is raining and/or if there is lightning or thunder, or if there is high winds, THE CAGE IS CLOSED. If the ground is wet the Pitching Machine (electricity) WILL NOT BE USED, but there is a potential for soft toss with the L-Screen in the cage.
- The pitching machine will only be operated by an adult, preferably one of the coaches. Players will not operate the machine.
- Coach shall inspect the pitching machine and cage facility prior to use, as well as after use.
- The operator of the pitching machine will be the only person inside the cage (except for the batter), and the cage door shall remained closed when the batter is hitting.
- Pitching Machine must never be left unattended while operating.
- All batters MUST wear a helmet at all times.
- Only one (1) batter at a time.
- Only the provided pitching machine balls are to be used. Damaged balls should be removed from use & discarded, and the coach must notify (via email below) of how many balls were discarded.
- The pitching machine must be shut down, and securely covered after use to protect it from the elements. Cage balls and extension cord must be neatly put away inside the equipment bin in the cage. GFI cover must be closed.
- Batting cage and surrounding area must be kept clean, and garbage picked up.
- Upon exiting, coach shall ensure that the cage is securely locked, and that the gate into the cage facility (from parking lot) is also securely locked.
- At all times, teams shall remain polite and courteous to any members of the public, city parks staff, or other teams coming to use the facility.
- The cage is meant for use by participants of St.Catharines Minor Baseball Association. Use of the facility by any other person or group is expressly prohibited without prior approval by the SCMBA Executive.
- Any damaged or missing equipment must be reported immediately, along with anything else deemed hazardous.
If there are any issues with the batting cage, please contact the Board at
St.Catharines Minor Baseball Association (hereinafter as SCMBA) assumes no liability for personal injury or property damage from the direct or indirect use of these facilities. All parties operating and using this facility acknowledge the possibility of injuries may arise. By entering the cage area and participating in activities associated with the batting cage, the Operator and Users shall hold the SCMBA harmless from any and all claims, demands, rights of action or causes of action, present or future arising out of or connected with the activities related to and use of the batting cage.
Batting Cage Orientation Sessions:
SCMBA will run several orientation sessions prior to the beginning of the season. All coaches who have never used our cage MUST attend one of the sessions prior to booking the cage. We will review how to set up and operate the pitching machine, review the cage rules, how to access the cage, equipment at the cage, as well as review how to book. We can also answer any additional questions you may have.
2021 Orientation Sessions:
- April: TBA
- April: TBA
- April: TBA
Tips for Effective Use of the Batting Cage:
- Schedule your team to come to the cage in smaller groups, rather than all at once. Minimize the standing around time. Groups of 3-4 at a time are recommended.
- Have batters alternate buckets (or half buckets) of balls in the cage to avoid batters getting overly fatigued, which hampers their swing mechanics.
- Whiffle balls may be provided to allow for some swing work to be done outside of the cage. This should only be done under direct supervision, and with care and attention to surrounding people and vehicles.
How To Book The Cage:
If you are interested in booking our Batting Cage, please follow these steps:
- Refer to the embedded Google Calendar (below) to determine cage availability. Calendar will show current bookings.
- Request your time by sending an email with the details to
- Once you have received confirmation, please add the event to your teams schedule via the app.
At NO TIME shall users just use the batting cage. All usage must be booked prior. Any groups found to be using the cage without booking the time shall lose their cage privileges until further notice.
Current Batting Cage Bookings: